Tuesday, June 30, 2009

BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger Limited Edition Unboxing tonight

Later this evening I'll be picking up a copy of BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger Limited Edition for the PS3. I'm almost done with my shift at work and after I'm off I'll head to my local Game Stop where my pre-order awaits. Once I've gotten my copy safely home I'll do the unboxing and post pictures of all its glorious contents. At this time there is in fact no stander edition of BlazBlue, the entire first run will be a limited edition for both the PS3 and Xbox 360. Which consists of the game it self A two-disk soundtrack with 48 tracks by Guilty Gear's Daisuke Ishiwatari, also to note that amazinly we are getting 19 additional tracks compaired the Japanese market. Which is pretty cool since the US market is normaly left out when it comes to extra content. Also a bonus disk (Blu-ray for the PS3 edition) with basic tutorials, expert advice, character specific strategies, and other goodness is included in a boxset that is the same price as a standard release next gen game ($59.99 ). Game Stop also had an awsome promo that included the games art book for online customers only, at this time I'm not sure if I will get a copy because I opted to pre-order online for in-store pickup.

Can't wait to get my hands on this and I'll post updates on the unboxing in a few hours.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Ghostbusters the Video Game

Ghostbusters is a classic film originally released in 1984, a great sci-fi comedy and if you haven't seen it your committing a crime against humanity and you need to go out and purchase a copy to be absolved of your wicked crimes. The film stars Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, Harold Ramis, and Sigourney Weaver who all do an excellent job. Ghostbusters is one of the great films from the 80's and I highly recommend it. For more information about the film check out this wiki link Ghostbusters. A great film now becames a great game in Ghostbusters The Video Game.

This is a great game and it really gives you that Ghostbuster Experience. Terminal Reality brought back the original actors to do the voice acting for each of the main characters, so that includes Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, and Harold Ramis. They really did a great job with this one, the details in the fire house are dead on with the original movie, this isn't another one of those cheap movie license games they through out with the release of the movie, this is top quality. I have to recommend that you watch the movies again before you play the game to really appreciate the hard work that went into this.

I've played the game through and its everything you would expect from the original 80's sci-fi comedy. Everything from the cheesy humor to the little remarks Egon makes about the probabilities of your survival. Unfortunately you don't get a chance to play any of the main characters, you play a recruit who is just starting out with the Ghostbusters. Though nameless and without a single line of dialog you are simply called Tiger or Rook or by one of the little kiddy names they call you like kiddo, sport or simply rookie. Overall a some what likable character even without any lines.

The game is great, you won't get tired of hunting ghost though the game, there isn't a repeditive feel at all and you will constantly see new ghosts. The level design is fun and full of destructable objects. You'll have fun hunting for cursed objects and trying to scan new ghosts for the database. They tried to integrate an upgrade system for you proton gun, but they fell kinda short on that one. You will quickly max out your proton gun, way before you reach the end of the game and have a ton of extra money and nothing to do with it. With that said the single player campaign replay value is low to moderate, but there is plenty to do in multiplayer and the co-op campaign.

I'll rate it 4 of 5.